Wow this week flew by! Mother's day was almost a week ago and here I am just now blogging about it. We had a really nice, semi relaxing yet productive day. Sunday morning we got up and went to church. Since Jenae had been sick during the AWANA Awards program they presented her award during church. It was really nice that they gave her a moment in the spot light for all of her work she did to complete her 4th book. Chip & Marilyn came into church so they could see Jenae get her award.
Kyle wanted to take his parents out to eat for Mother's day, but the cafe did not open until 11:30 and we were out of Church around 10:00. Kyle & Jenae went to Sunday school and Chip, Marilyn, Aubree & I went to the park to play. It was a really nice morning to be at the park. Aubree & Chip had a lot of fun playing. Marilyn & I sat back and watched from the park bench.
We met back up with Kyle & Jenae and had a really nice Mother's Day dinner at the cafe in Chambers. We were all stuffed when we walked out of there.
We went home and all 4 of us took a nap. It was awesome!!! After being well rested we made our way outside and did a bunch of yard work. It was a nice day and Kyle was a really good sport about helping me with some of my projects that I wanted to get done in the yard.
It has been a crazy week weather wise. Monday it was 98 degrees, Tuesday it was in the mid 80's, Wednesdays in the 70's with T-storms, Yesterday was cool and damp. I think it only made it into the 50's and today is right down cold!!! It is only in the 40's with clouds and wind!!
I had to work on Wednesday and I took Yesterday off. Hope came over with a pickup full of plants and she helped me get them in the ground. She has such an eye for landscaping, I am really happy with the out come. I counted them after she left and we planted over 40 plants! It was a big job :-) They are all perennials, hopefully if they establish I will not have do it again. Although now that Hope has those areas looking so nice, now I have other areas I want to work on!! However enough is enough for 1 year!! Now it is on to my next project, getting the girls bedroom painted!!
Aubree on the slide at the park in Chambers. |
Aubree & Grandpa Chip |
Chip & Aubree riding the bumble bee. |
Jenae & Aubree planting flowers. |