We had a really fun weekend. I do not know where the time went, but Jenae Grace turned 10 on Sunday! My mom came out Thursday evening and spent the weekend with us. Kyle was gone rodeoing so we had lots of time to clean the house and get all our baking done. We made 48 cupcakes and 48 decorated sugar cookies. Mom is the most OCD cleaner that I know. She dusted my entire house and shampooed all the carpets in my house. Also gave my bathroom a deep clean! We were all so sad to see her go home on Sunday morning. Whitney was telling Chip "My house is beautiful....My Grandma Fixed it"
Sunday night Chip, Marilyn, Hope, Ben, Trey & Chase came over for supper and to help us celebrate Jenae turning 10. We was a really fun evening and the kids had lots of fun playing together.
Jenae's birthday breakfast. |
Jenae opening he gifts. |
Mom with the girls on Jenae's birthday. |
Mom & Jenae
The goodies we made.
Jenae and cupcakes stands
Jenae showing off her earrings. She got her ears pierced for her birthday.
Jenae opening her card from Grandpa and Grammy.
They gave her money to buy a belt :-)
Trey and Aubree helping Jenae open her gifts.
The biggest card ever from Aunt Hope & Uncle Ben.
Love the little 2 in the back ground. (Whitney pushing Chase around)
The Whitaker Grandkids
Jenae was all smiles getting while everyone was singing Happy Birthday to her!