
Monday, September 28, 2009


We had a nice weekend at home. I was able to get pretty caught up on house work so that was nice. Kyle had been in Amarillo, TX and Harrison, AR for rodeo's since Tuesday. He made it home around 2:00 Saturday afternoon and was home the restl weekend. It was nice to have him home!!! He enjoyed being able to watch the Husker football game on TV Saturday.

Yesterday we got up and took the girls to Sunday School. It was the first time Bree got to go since she is now 2 years old!!! She was so excited with the idea of going, she thought she was going to go with Jenae to real school. She was putting her shoes on talking about Mrs. Devries (Jenae's teacher). I tried to explain to her we were going to Church not school :-) Sunday School did not go so well for her. She was fine while Jenae was in the classroom during the singing but once Jenae went to the older classroom she was not happy. Kyle went to check on her and found her crying so he took her out. She said to him "where did my sissy go?" We might wait awhile before we send her again!

In the afternoon Hope came over and took pictures of the girls with their ponies to use for Christmas card pictures. I thought it would be nice to get some photos before the ponies put on their winter coats. She got some good ones. I will try to post some of them another time.

Last night Aubree swallowed bath water and it went into her lungs she coughed so hard she threw up. I have always been worried about the dry drowning that can happen when you get water in the lungs. A small child can actually die 1-24 hours after getting water in their lungs. After her bath she ate her supper good then when I was reading her a bed time story she fell asleep which she never does. I did not think too much of it at first but when I went into check on her she was making funny sounds when she breathing. It was a real rattly sound coming from her chest. That really freaked me out. Before her bath she was fine. I tried to get her up and move around and she was really lethargic. (another sing of dry drowning) I took her temp it was 101.4. I was ready to take her to ER and Kyle thought I should at talk to someone before I took her in. I tried to call the hospital to at least visit with a nurse. I tried probably 6 times between 11-12:30 and no one picked up. I took that as my sign that I did not need to take her in. I tried to stay awake all night to make sure her breathing did not change. I dozed off a couple of times and woke up in a panic I was sure she was not breathing. Morning could not come soon enough. I watched the minutes go by on the clock. It is crazy how your mind can take control and obsess over something in the middle of the night.

I called the clinic and got into see Dr. W. at 9:00. He said her lungs sounded OK but did want her on an antibiotic since she has some sort of infection and with swallowing the bath water he did not want to take any chances that she would end up with pneumonia. Of course the rattly sound in her chest was gone when we where there.

Thankfully Kyle is home and can be with her today. He was able to get a few things done outside while I had her at the Doc but now he is house bound with her. She was upset when I left she said in her raspy voice with her bottom lip sticking out “don’t go mommy” It broke my heart to leave her.

So that was our weekend!!!

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