I think our weather is changing! Today was supposed to be sunny & 78, instead it is 55 & cloudy. Oh well it is October in Nebraska! The last couple weeks have been pretty nice except for the horrible winds we had 2 days last week. Girls have been trying to get some time in the saddle while it was
nice enough to do so.
Jenae got the chance to ride Ace, Kyle's 2 year old colt. He is kind of Kyle's prize possession & it is hard on Kyle not being able to ride him. Jenae has been begging to ride him & Kyle finally gave in & let her ride. If it was up to her she would have just jumped on & taken off down the road with him, however I was not real comfortable with that idea, so we let her ride in the round pen & she got along really good.
Chip is thinking it is time to start getting Aubree started on Speedster, she was not sure of him the first time she rode him, but I guess the next time she rode him she was loping on him. He is such a tall horse to go from riding Cinnamon to him is a pretty big change!!
Whitney of course had to take her turn. She did not get to ride, but at least got to sit on Ace.
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