Well 2012 seems to be starting off like a roller coaster! Some really good things going on & some not so good things. I am officially a minivan mama! I really drug my feet about getting a minivan, but with the addition of Whitney I knew a car was not going to cut it any more & with driving 50 miles to work round trip I knew I needed something that would get good gas mileage so a mini van was the obvious choice and it turns out I LOVE it!!!!! It is so "mom friendly"and really designed for a family.
The girls really enjoy it as well.
We took the van on its first road trip to my parents house for New Years. We went down on Saturday night to ring in the New Year at my brother & his wife, Erin's, house. My sister Danielle and her family was there as well and it was a fun evening. Whitney was not really being her happy little self so about 11:00 I took the girls back to Dad & Moms and we went to bed. Kyle stayed and played a few more games and waited up to welcome in 2012.
We spent New Years Day celebrating Christmas with my parents and siblings. The day got off to a bad start when we got a call from my Grandma Forre that she had fallen. Dad, Kyle, Dusty & Kevin all went in to help her up. It turns out that she broke her leg. Definitely not the way she wanted to start out the new year. She had surgery yesterday to put a rod in her leg and she should be able to put weight on it right away.
Other than the call from Grandma, the day was great. All the kids had a great time playing and it was fun to get all 4 babies together. My Dad had found that there was a Rawhide marathon on all day, it was fun to catch a few of those episodes. Rawhide is my all time favorite western!
The week between Christmas and New Years was an eventful one. Hope &
Ben are in the process of buying a new house. They have run into a little snag that is holding the process up, but we are hopeful it will resolve and they will soon be living just 8 miles from us. It is a beautiful house & Jenae has already figured that Trey & Chase would be on her bus route once they start school. She is excited about that.
Last week Kyle and Trey both had mishaps & ended up with eye injuries. For awhile there both of them gave us a bit of a scare. Trey fell off Speedster and when he landed on the ground he got a big clump of dirt in his eye. He didn't open his eye until the next day and it was pretty sore for a few days. Kyle had the rope come back and smack him in the eye while roping ReRun the calf. His vision in that eye was not good & he had a lot of swelling. Thankfully both are on the mend and are doing well.
I am sure there are things I am missing from the past week, but at 3:58 in the morning this is all I can remember to write about :-)
2011 was full of so many blessing & I am excited to see what 2012 has in store for our little family!
Whitney on New Years Day. |
The 4 newest Forre Cousins. (Clockwise from Whitney) Jaxson, Culin, Jace |
Cooper, Brooke, Kellen & Aubree waiting to eat. |
Tyson, Allyx & Jenae at the table |
Whitney was all smiles on New Years Day. |
The kids opening their gifts. |