
Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School

The first day of school was success!!! Jenae had a great time. She was up at 6:30 in the morning ready to start her day! Kyle wanted to make sure he was home for the big day. We took her in for the first day. She could not believe how nice the lunch room ladies were :-) Marilyn had made her a blanket for nap time. It has horse on it and is really soft. When I asked her if she got to take a nap on her new blanket she said "no, I was pretty disgusted with that. We don't get to take naps until we have full days of school" (Chambers lets out early for the first 2 weeks due to the heat) Naps are have never been anything that Jenae enjoys, but she was wanting to try out her new blanket. She did tell me that she really wished that recess could last all afternoon! All in all she had a great fist day and she was up at 6:30 again this morning! I had to leave for work before the bus came got there this morning. I call home to check with Kyle to make sure that she got on ok. I guess she was getting pretty impatient waiting for it to get there she said "when it the bus ever going to get here???? I could be in school by now!!!" I hope her enthusiasm continues!
We are still needing your prayers for Chip. He as ruled out Michigan for the surgery. They were going to require him to stay in Michigan for a month after the surgery and would not let him fly home. The options that he has for now are California ( they said he would only need to be out there for 5-7 days and they would allow him to fly home); Omaha (Dr. Peetz , who did his first two surreys, feels confident that he could handle the surgery); Mayo Clinic (The most exciting option--they are doing a procedure up there that would allow them got go up through a vain in his leg to do the repair. He would not have to have major surgery and he would only have be in the hospital 2-3 days.) We are really really really hoping that the Mayo Clinc option will work out. There are far fewer risks involved.


  1. Hi Hailey, Please keep all of us posted about Chip. He is in our prayers!! It is amazing what the doctors can do now!! Best Wishes for a speedy recovery for Chip, God Bless Him and the rest of his family!!
    Thank You!!
    Paul & Barbara

  2. Glad to hear Jenae likes school so well!

    We'll be thinking about Chip and the rest of you this week and hope that everything goes better than expected!
