The theme of the past few weeks is really busy Saturdays! It held true for this past one as well. We sold cattle on Saturday. Marilyn fixed breakfast for everyone before the round up crew headed out to gather and ship out. I didn't make out to take pictures this year of the round up and loading of the steers. Whitney had a cough and it was plenty cool out so we stayed in where it was nice and warm! Maybe next year I will do better!
Saturday evening Marilyn fixed supper for everyone to celebrate how the cattle sold and celebrate Trey's birthday. After we ate, I left the birthday party to go to my cousin, Heather's Halloween party. She really out does herself every year and host a nice party. My Mom, Sister and all my Dad's sister were there and I had a nice visit with them all.
Sunday was nice & relaxing. We needed that after a busy day on Saturday!
Aubree & Trey at the cattle sale. |
Whitney watching the calves sell

Whitney with Chip & Marilyn

Jenae didn't want her picture taken...but I did anyway :-)

What a good looking bunch of steers, if I do say so myself! The cattle sold well ;-)

Aubree helping Trey open his birthday gifts.

My Crazy family dress up as the Wizard of Oz for the Halloween Party. Leave it up to my Aunt Connie to get this bunch dress like this ;-)

I found these two cute cowboys at the party! They are my sister, Lacey's little boys. Riley & Colin
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