
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Baking Weekend

This past weekend we held our annual cookie baking weekend at my house. My Mom, Sisters and my Brother's Wife all came with the kids to my house for the weekend. It was chaotic at times but it was fun. Danielle left her youngest little boy home to have some Daddy time but we still had 7 kids ranging in age from 5 to 5 months. (2-5 year olds, 1-3 year old, 2-2 year olds and 2-5 month olds.) We decorated sugar cookies and made 3 other kinds of cookies. We also made a lot of candies. My Mom like making the candy molds (chocolate covered cherries, turtles, etc) but they are so time consuming that in the end when we go to divide them up you do not end up with very many. Next year we are thinking of doing more things that can be made in larger quantities. My wonderful husband was a saint and did well with being invaded with my family. He is a good sport when it comes to this kind of stuff. I am lucky to have him!!

Yesterday Kyle had to help a guy move cattle about 20 miles. It would not have been a big deal except the temp barley got above 0 and the wind chill was 20 below 0. There was a north wind and they move the cattle north. Today he and Aubree are taking Rambo to the Vet in Grand Island. He has an abscess in his hoof that needs to be check out. It should be a good father/daughter outing.

I have been busy getting ready for Christmas. I am actually feeling pretty good about my Christmas preparations. After last weekend my baking is done. I am hoping to finish up my Christmas cards this week. The cards are in the addressed envelopes so as soon as Kyle gets the letter done they will be in mail. I am hoping to wrap presents while Jenae is at school tomorrow. This is the most prepared I have been in a long time -- maybe ever. I am hoping to be super prepared so I can relax during the holidays and just enjoy them!!! What I am thinking...relax during the holidays!!!

Friday is Jenae's school program. She has been busy singing around the house getting ready. Her teacher is counting on her to carry the class because she has a lot of shy kids in her class. My little Taylor Swift wannabe should be in her element Friday night :-)

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