Well you may guess from my lack of blogging for over a week, that adjusting to life with a new baby in the house has been a little crazy. I had this silly idea since Whitney was by 3rd baby & Jenae is 7 and Aubree is 4, that it was going to be a piece of cake to add a baby to the mix. Well....I think I may have over estimated my abilities. Don't get me wrong, we are all doing really well. I have just been a lot more tired than I was expecting. It has been a busy week, so that may have something to do with being a little more tired. I am very lucky as Whitney is a really good baby. She sleeps a lot! At night she is up every 2 to 3 hours to eat, but goes right back to sleep when her belly is full.
We left the hospital about 4:00 on Friday afternoon. We stopped by my office on the way home so I could tie up some loose ends. It was close 5:00 until we got home. Hope fixed supper and brought over. Whitney got to meet her cousins Trey & Chase. Chip & Marilyn also joined us for supper. Whitney did not sleep very good her first night home from the hospital.
Kyle had told some friends he would help load out cattle Saturday morning so he left home at 7:00 in the morning. He got back from that about 10:00 and had to leave right away to help Chip work cattle. We did not get to see much of Kyle on Saturday, most of his day was spent working the cattle.
Sunday was another big day. Jenae got baptized at Church & we had a potluck after church. I plan to make a separate
blog post to recap that day. In the afternoon my sister-in-law, Erin, & her girls came out to visit.
Monday Kyle & Chip finished working the rest of the calves. Aubree is a real big help when Jenae is at school. She gets to be the "big" sister not the "big/little" sister. Jenae is really good help with Whitney. She has done really well figuring out how to hold her and is willing to do what ever I need her to do to help out with Whitney.
Tuesday Aubree & I made a quick trip to O'Neill to get the car seat installed correctly in the car. It was nice to get out of the house and have some one on one time with Aubree.
Thursday it was back to O'Neill for Whitney's 1 week check up. Dr. Winkelbauer said she is just perfect!! Her weight was 7 lbs 8 oz. By the time we got home from O'Neill, Kyle had taken off for Waco Tx.
That was a very short version on Whitney's first week! I know a lot more happened than I am remembering to write about. I will try to do a better job of keep up with my blog :)
Kyle with Whitney leaving the hospital. |
Whitney getting some love from cousin Trey. |
All 5 Whitaker Grand kids. |
Whitney & Cousin Chase. They are exactly 6 weeks apart. |
Aubree, Whitney, Brooke & Allyx. |
Whitney getting her first sponge bath at home. Aubree was excited to get to help. |
Aubree helping out with Whitney. |
Whitney after her bath. |
Aubree being my "helper" in the kitchen. |