I apologize up front for any typo's the post may have. It is 5 in the morning and I am not quite awake , but I realized if I am going to get caught up on my blogging it needs to be done now!
We had a very busy 3 days!!! I took Friday off to try to get ready for the busy weekend. I am very glad I did! Friday night Kyle took Jenae and Aubree on a "date" They went out for pizza then to the movies. They went to see the Muppet's at the theater in O'Neill. Whitney & I stayed home and finished up some last minute wrapping of gifts. Santa came while Kyle & the girls were gone and we had our little Christmas when they got back from O'Neill. Of all the things Aubree got, I think she was most excited for her electric tooth brush she got ;-)
Saturday we got up and did things around the house in the morning. After dinner we went over to watch Kyle rope the new toy, ReRun the calf roping dummy. It was entertaining!!! I actually got a chance to ride, I didn't rope ReRun yet, but I am looking forward to it once Kyle gets the horses used to the dummy.
We went home and got ready for the evening and went back over to Chip & Marilyn's house to begin our Christmas Eve Celebration. We took a bunch of pictures of the kids in front of the tree & then it was time to go to church. It was a nice service and a great way to start of the Christmas Holiday. After church it was supper time! Marilyn made a really delicious supper that we all enjoyed! Opening presents was of course the highlight of the night for the kids. We spent the rest of the night sitting around and enjoying each others company ;-)
Sunday we got up and headed to Newman Grove for the big Forre Christmas. Grandma had made the traditional Norwegian meal of Lutefisk & Lefse as well as an American meal of ham. It was a fun day, but I think my girls and I were so tired we were ready to go home and call it a day by mid afternoon. We finished up the evening watching Rio Bravo, or at least part of if. I was so tired I was in bed by 9:00 that night!
It was back to work on Monday morning for me. Kyle and the girls had a great time trying out the new saddles. It was hard on me to be at work and not home with them. We have been so blessed this week with beautiful weather. It is going to be in the 50's most of the week, it should be a great Christmas break for all the kids to get out and enjoy the outdoors.
We still have 2 Christmas celebrations left! We go to my parents house on New Years to celebrate with my siblings & then we have the big Whitaker Christmas on January 8th. Two more weekends of fun ;-)
Jenae trying on her new snow pants. |
Aubree with the basketball Kyle gave her. |
The Whitaker grand kids in front of the tree at Chip & Marilyn's house.
We have found it nearly impossible to get them all to look one direction for a picture! |
Whitney & Chase on their first Christmas. |
Never again will I buy white Christmas dresses for my girls! Trying to keep them clean during supper
I tucked their napkins in their dresses. Trey made sure everyone else did the same! |
Chip & Marilyn opening their gifts from the grand kids. New lawn chairs for them to
take to jr. rodeos!!! |
Ben helping Trey open a gift. |
Aubree with a shirt from Aunt Hope. A very fitting shirt for our little fashionista! |
Aubree with her new saddle. She was very excited to be getting it! First we had her open the new cinch that went with the saddle. When we asked her if she was excited about her cinch she said "NO! I wanted a saddle!!!" Next she opened a headstall and breast collar (which she later referred to as a breast pump!! :-) and we asked what she thought of getting that & she responded the same way "I wanted a saddle!!!" Finally we let her open her saddle :-) |
Jenae when she realized she was getting a new saddle!
We knew if we had a big box under the tree with Jenae's name on it, that it would not take her long to figure out that she was getting a saddle. This fall the tree in her saddle broke and as much as she rides a new saddle was a necessity. She was a little disappointed when she watched Aubree open her big package with a new saddle in it and all that was left under the tree for Jenae was one small package that was labeled "open last" It was a new cinch as well. We thought as soon as she saw she was getting a new cinch she would figure out she was getting a new saddle too, but she didn't. She looked pretty sad when she opened the package. Chip then told her she better go downstairs and see if she could find something to go with the cinch.
As you can see she was thrilled to find out indeed she was getting a new saddle too! |
Happy little girls!!! |
Trey with this Christmas present from Grandpa Chip! As you can tell he was excited ;-) |
Whitney trying out Jenae's saddle! |
The 2 night owls sitting in the bumpos. The bumpos are for Whitney & Chase to sit in,
however the 2 year old AND 4 year old found them very entertaining!!! The other 3 kids had all fallen
asleep, but not these two! They had so much fun playing together on Christmas Eve. |
Whitney woke up and was ready to socialize a little bit before falling back asleep. |
Jenae fell asleep at Chip & Marilyn's. She ended up spending the night there! |
With in 2 minutes of being home on Christmas Eve, Aubree was fast asleep! |
My Grandma Forre on Christmas Day with all of her Great Grand Kids that were there. |
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