Here I am almost 2 weeks behind on my blogging!!! We went right from the fair week into to a Jr. Rodeo Weekend! Taylor was on Saturday and Burwell was on Sunday. Chip & Marilyn took the girls down to both rodeo and I came down on my own with Whitney. I knew it was going to be along day with Whitney so I thought coming right at rodeo time would be best for her!
It was a fun weekend!! Since I am so behind on my blogging I am going to just post the pictures and try to get caught up on blogging!!
Aubree running back with her ribbon from the goat tail untie. |
Grandpa Chip giving Aubree last minute instructions before she runs the barrels.
Here she is...making her debut barrel run on good ol' Speedster! He did an awesome job and just took such good care of her on the run. |
Love how she is up in her stirrups as she rounds the end pole. |
Jenae making a nice tie on her goat run. |
I have to admit, I was not too crazy about taking Whitney along to the rodeos this weekend. They are long days for adults & I knew it would be a really long day for Whitney. When I was talking to Chip about it, he was certain Whitney would want to go, so we took her along. We also took along her pony Cinnamon and used as our stroller! All in all it went well & Whitney did enjoy her time at the rodeo :-) |
Aubree used Cinnamon in the flag race. It was pretty cute to watch her spur and whip him to get him a going! |
At the Burwell Jr. Rodeo the kids had to be 6 to compete on horseback. She did her final stick horse competition there! I think she was giving her stick horse a pep talk! |
Kyle's Aunt Amy was there at the rodeo with her Grand kids and let Whitney sit on her horse while watching the stick horse events. Whitney grew very fond of Aunt Amy. Later that day someone saw Whitney and said "Wow, you look a lot like Amy!" |
Domino also made his rodeo debut this weekend. Jenae used him in the goat tying and in the flag race. I was impressed with how he handled everything new at his first rodeo!! I am sure it will be his first of many! |
Jenae riding up to the goat. |
Hands in the air! Time stopped with her own personal best time at at rodeo! Not bad for 1/2 the summer with her arm in a sling!! |
Jenae warming up Speedster by ponying him. |
Burwell was Jenae's final rodeo on Speedster. She is needing to move on to a younger faster horse. He has been such a blessing for her to begin her rodeo career on. He has taught he so much!
Jenae's final Barrel run on Speedster. I know of all horses Jenae will ride in her lifetime, Speedster will always hold a special place in her heart for all he has done for her. I am really disappointed that I did not get better photos of her last runs on him, but I did not have a good angle to shoot from.
Jenae using Comanche to warm up Speedster. |
Aubree was quick to make "friends" even though she did not get to compete horseback, she did get to ride around on Domino when Jenae was finished with him. I was a little nervous to just turn her loose on him, but the 2 of them did great!
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