Well I am only 2 weeks behind on my blog! 2 Weeks ago was the Chambers Jr. Rodeo & it also happened to be my birthday! It was a really fun & busy day! Kyle was at a rodeo in Iowa the night before & left for Reno, NV that afternoon, but it was so nice that he was able to make it to the rodeo. My parents came up for the day as well. Chip, Marilyn, Hope & Ben were all there as well. Both girls did well & had a lot of fun! Jenae won the barrels, 4th in the poles & 4th in the dummy roping. Aubree won the stick horse barrels & goat tail untie & got 4th in the stick horse poles. The rodeo was run very well. It started at 10:00 in the morning & Jenae was done with her events by noon.
Once the girls were done with their events. We headed home to get Kyle & his crew sent off for Reno. My parents stayed to watch the roping at the Jr. Rodeo then came out & spent the rest of the afternoon. That evening Marilyn fixed supper to celebrate my birthday. We spent the evening over at there house eating, visiting & picking wild blackberries. It was a great day, despite getting another year older!
Kyle has been hitting the rodeo trail hard the last couple of weeks. He has been to Reno, NV; Pleasant Grove, UT; Santa Fe, NM; Pecos, TX & Prescott AZ. He is entered up like crazy through the 4th of July. We hope his good luck will continue!
The girls & I have been adjusting to life at home with out Kyle around. We have kept very busy so that has made the time go by fast. Jenae has been practicing her rodeo events almost every day & helping Chip on the ranch. Aubree never fails to keep us entertained at all times. The other day she said to me out of the blue "Mom your are not ugly....you are a cute mommy!" I just never quiet know where her mind is going. She is really into a question phase of her life. She will ask things like "Why did God make mosquitos anyway? or Why did God make cops??" Those are just a couple of things that come to my mind. Whitney is officially on the move & crawls all over the place. She loves to talk to Kyle on the phone. I can tell she is really missing him. She will crawl over to the phone and say "Da da da da...." Kyle's pickup is parked over at Chip & Marilyn's place & when she saw it she said "Da da Da da go go go" while waving backward to herself. She still only has two bottom teeth, but I am thinking more will be popping up sometime soon. She has been a little fussy lastly.
Wednesday I took the girls up for their first swimming lesson of the year. They are so excited about getting to get started with them.
It has been crazy hot & dry this year in Nebraska. We have also had a lot of wind. Anyone around that is in agriculture is pretty worried about the pasture/hay as well as the crops. We will continue for pray that God will bless us with some much needed moisture.
Well that wraps up the last 2 weeks! We have a very busy month of July so I hope I can do a good job of keeping up with my blog as the time goes & that I do not get too behind in my posting!
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Jenae & Speedster making their winning barrel run at the Chambers Jr. Rodeo. |
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Aubree & Scout making their winning stick horse barrel run at the Chamber Jr. Rodeo. |
The girls had a nice group of supporter in the stands. Foster & Sue Burrell took Whitney for a while to free up my hands for taking pictures :-) |
Trey thinking about taking the ribbon off the goat tail. |
Kyle telling Aubree how much she won in her stick horse events. That is a package of fruit snacks that Aubree has in her mouth :-) |
Once Aubree was done with her stick horse events it was on to riding Beauty. |
Jenae in the dummy roping. |
Chip helping Jenae get her rope ready for the dummy roping. |
Kyle & Hope helping with the goat tying. |
The girls visiting with my parents. |
My happy cowgirl. |
Chip giving Jenae some advice :-) |
Whitney & Marilyn |
Chase |
The family enjoying a nice June evening. |
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