I love paid holidays! I think they may be the best things ever invented!! Chip sold some cattle on a Labor Day sale. Jenae rode Firecracker to help round them up. After the cattle were loaded we got ready to go with Kyle to a rodeo in Johnstown. The weather was perfect for a day out and about!
When we got home from the rodeo we hurried up to get chores done and then we took Jenae & Aubree to see Smurfs. It was a really busy day and I think we were all ready to crash when we got home. The girls really enjoyed the Smurfs.
Jenee helping to round up the cattle. |
Aubree enjoying a hot dog for dinner. |
Jenae was Kyle's helper again at the rodeo. For some crazy reason they had Kyle ride his bronc
in with the bareback riding. He had to rope his calf right after he rode his bronc. He had Jenae get Comet
warmed up for him. She did a really good job helping him out! |
Jenae & Aubree having some fun dip at the rodeo. |
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