I am feeling so blessed and happy with the precious little bundle of joy the Lord has blessed us with. My original due date was Oct 4th. Jenae was 2 weeks early & Aubree was 2 days early so we really did not know when to expect little miss Whitney! I went into labor about 6:30 yesterday morning. I had a doctor appointment scheduled for 9:00. I despite being in labor, I was actually feeling pretty good. I decided to go to work for an hour before my appointment. When I got to work I started tracking my contractions and they were 6-7 minutes apart. When I got to the doctor, it did not take him long to decide I needed to be checking into the hospital as opposed to going back to work. I was already dilated to a 5. By the time I got checked in to the hospital I was already a 7. Kyle headed up to the hospital and got there just after my epidural. My progression slowed way down after my epidural, but I didn't care, as I didn't feel a thing! Whitney made her grand entrance at 3:02 yesterday afternoon. Chip had been in town most of the day & kept checking in with Kyle through out the day. Marilyn picked up the girls after school and they came up to meet Miss Whitney. Jenae & Aubree were both pretty shy & had a lack of word at first. It didn't take them long to settle in and start acting like themselves. I have a feeling Whitney is gong to be getting a lot of love in the Whitaker house! Jenae & Aubree went home with Chip & Marilyn so Kyle could spend the night in the hospital with me. We kept Whitney in our room with us. She was a very content baby. She only woke up at 2:00 to nurse and she went right back to sleep.
It sounds like Jenae & Aubree were both pretty wound up last night and this morning talking about their new little sister. I talked to Jenae on the phone this morning. She was all worried how she was going to concentrate at school today thinking about Whitney. She said to me "Mommy, should I just pretend that you have not had Whitney yet?.....but I can't do that because I need to tell my classmates that she was born" Marilyn said that Aubree kept forgetting Whitney's name. I am afraid there is going to be some fighting as to who gets to hold her first when we get home. I am so thankful that they are both so excited about their baby sister!!
Our first family picture as a family of 5! |
Happy Daddy with his baby girl! I think she already has him wrapped around her little finger!! |
Jeane takes her turn with Whitney! |
Aubree finally getting to hold Whitney. She has waited a long time for this moment! |
Chip & Marilyn holding Whitney for the first time! |
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