
Monday, July 5, 2010

Dunning Jr. Rodeo

Chip helping Jenae add up her winnings from the day. Aubree enjoying a pop she picked up from somewhere!

4th of July Rodeo

We had such a fun day yesterday. Jenae had her first Jr. Rodeo. She did so good! She won the barrels, 2nd in the poles & 4th in the goats. She also place 4th in the All Around.

We loaded up and headed to Dunning around 6:30. Chip & Marilyn took the girls and I down to Dunning. Ben, Hope & Trey met us there. We took Beauty & Speedster. The plan was to have Jenae use Beauty for the goats and Speedster for the barrels & poles. Beauty was acting a little bit nervous since it was her first rodeo so we did a last minute change of plan and had her ride Speedster for the goats at well. Speedster is a very seasoned rodeo horse and the minute he hit the arena he got a little excited. Jenae handled it well and just loped a circle to settle him down. When she did that she crossed the flag man and it started her time as she was headed away from the goat. She finally got things in order, ran down and ended up making a good goat run. The time was a little on the long side due to her extra circle that she ran that was on the clock, but she still did good. She made a nice smooth pole run. All went well. She had been riding Beauty around with her friend Taylar between events. We did not realize she would run her barrel run so soon after her pole run so she was off riding Beauty. They announced that the 0-6 barrel racing was up next. There was no sign of Jenae at the gate she was supposed to be at. I looked up and saw her at the other end of the area riding Beauty not Speedster. She was 2nd one out. Long story shorter there was a lot of running around to get Jenae on Speedster and in the arena. The only thing that saved her is that the girl that was first out walked/trotted a very slow pattern. Chip & Hope got her thrown on Speedster and she went right in the area and made a really nice run. It was a little crazy there for awhile but it makes for a good story and good memories.

Aubree did not get to ride much but she still had a blast! She was such a trooper for the long day. She loves the Zutavern boys and had so much fun hanging out with them.

It was nice to spend the day with all the Zutaverns. Amy had fixed chicken for lunch and we had a little picnic at the rodeo. Bryan, Reece & Caden did really good at the rodeo as well. I am not sure how they ended up but they made some really nice runs.

Kyle was in Belle Fourche SD for a rodeo so he did not get to be there with us. I feel bad that he was not able to be there because I think he would have had a lot of fun.

As soon as we got in the truck to head home Aubree was asleep. Jenae was really tired too, but I think she was on a high from her fun day. Instead of sleeping she talked and talked and talked all the way home. Good, bad or otherwise Jenae has been blessed with the gift of gab!

We really lucked out with the weather. They had been forecasting rain for the day. It rained in the night and was cloudy most of the day but the rain held out. It actually was nice a cool and no misquotes!!

I had so many good pictures from the day I added them as a slide show. Just click the slide show and it will open to a bigger view of it. It was such a fun day!!!

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