
Monday, July 26, 2010


Sorry no pictures to post from the weekend. We were so busy I did not even pick up my camera.
Saturday morning Chip needed Jenae & I to help him move cattle. Jenae is turning into quite the little ranch hand. She has taken over the horse that I usually ride. She and Hippie get along really good. I think she really enjoys riding him because he goes where she wants him to instead of fighting with Beauty. Chip seemed surprised to how smooth the cattle moving went. I told him when he had good help like Jenae & I what could go wrong :-)

I spent most of the afternoon working in my jungle, oh I mean my yard/garden. I will never again be gone 3 weekends in a row in July & have a garden. The weeds got a little out of control. Jenae had this idea that she needed to ride Beauty from Grandpa & Grammy's house to our house. Chip followed behind her in the pickup to help get her going down the road. Beauty was not being very cooperative and kept stopping and spinning around to head back to Chip's place. Jenae would get her loping along and all of the sudden she would stop. One time she stopped so hard it threw her forward and she got hung up in the stirrup. I still do not know exactly what happened and how it happened but Chip said she did really good and kept a hold of the reins and got beauty pulled up. It could have been a bad wreck. Later that afternoon Jenae looked up at me with her big blue eyes and said "I guess God wasn't ready for me to die yet, because if he was I think I would have died" It gave me goose bumps when she said that. It seems crazy to me that a 6 year old seems to have an better understanding that I do that God is in control of our lives. I tend to be a worrier about things and a friend of mine once told worrying is a lack of faith. I try to remind myself of that.

Since Beauty was being so naughty Chip thought it would be best if Beauty stay at our house for awhile & have her be in her own pen away from her buddies. Jenae was wanting to ride some more and I went over to help her get on. Aubree was busy playing with some toys on the side of the house. I had just checked on her before I went to barn to help Jenae. I no more than get to the barn and I hear a horrible scream come from Aubree. She is a pretty tough cookie and I knew something bad had happened to her to make her scream like that. I ran over to her fully expecting to see blood gushing out or worse. When I picked her up she was shaking & crying so hard and she said "they bit me." I asked her what bit her, she said "the spiders." I looked at her arm and saw a big welt on wrist. I thought to myself what kind of spiders would attack my little girl. Than I remembered Aubree thinks all insects & bugs are spiders. I asked her if they had wings, she quickly responded "yes" She must have found a wasp nest. She ended up with 3 welts on her wrist, ankle & under her eye. She swelled up pretty good where she was stung. I tried to give her Benadryl, but she spit it out and said "it taste to much like medicine"

Sunday we got up and went to Church. I was half embarrassed to take my girls. Aubree with all of her bits & welts and Jenae has some scratches on her face from a tree Beauty took her though. I am afraid someone will try to take them away from me thinking they are abused. They are not abused, just ranch girls :-)

We have sold a couple of the puppies already and have had quite a bit of interest in them. We are really hoping to find good homes for all of them. They are so cute and lovable.

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