This post is dedicated to my sweet Aubree Joy! Her middle name fits her! She is such a Joy!!! She keeps us on our toes at all times!! These 3 pictures were taken with in a week of each other & do a pretty good job of explaining Aubree. They always say a picture is worth a 1000 words!!
After a mud fight with Jenae. I found them out playing in stinky ditch water. Aubree told me they were looking for toads. I had already given Aubree a bath & she was ready for AWANA. I discovered this 30 minutes before we were supposed to leave the house. |
All glamored up for her Daddy to come home. Aubree is one extreme or the other. Kyle was out west rodeoing for 10 days. It was a long stretch for us girls at home but we were so EXCITED to get him home. We went to my parents house last weekend & I went on from there to get Kyle at the airport on Sunday. |
And she has crashed!!! All that playing makes for a tired a 4 year old!!! She took a nap in her garden gloves. She happens to call her garden gloves motorcycle gloves & wears them while riding her tricycle aka her motorcycle! |
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