Last weekend Kyle was on the rodeo trail in California. The girls & I tried to make the most of the nice weather. It got cold, windy & rainy on Saturday afternoon, but the girls & I got up and went riding before the weather got yucky.
We have baby kitties at our house right now & they are a really good source of entertainment for all 3 girls. I let them bring them in the house if they keep them in a box or sit them on their lap. They are at such a cute stage!!!
With Kyle gone, Jenae is really Chip's right-hand man or I should say girl, on the ranch. She is growing up to be such a big girl & really good help for Chip. It makes me so proud how much help she is around the ranch & around the house (when she wants to be anyway!)
Aubree & Whitney with a kitty. |
Whitney having a little too much fun with the kitty! Poor Kitty!!! |
Trey & Aubree on top of Grandpa & Grandma's pile of cement. |
Jenae getting Speedster legged up for jr. rodeos. |
Me & my girls out for a Saturday morning ride. |
Whitney Faith hanging out with me in the pickup while Aubree was napping in the back seat & Jenae was helping Chip move heifers. |
Whitney in a stroller that Marilyn used to use with Kyle & Hope. |
Chip & Jenae moving cattle, I just love spring pictures! Everything is so green & pretty this time of year ;-) |
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