I am waiting for a couple pictures from Christmas Eve that Hope got on her camera of Chip & Marilyn with the Grand kids that I did not get on mine camera. I want to add to them to this post, but am going to go ahead & post this for now & add more pictures to it later.
Christmas Eve we went over to Chip & Marilyn's in the afternoon. We opened a few presents then ate some yummy snack foods then went to church. I look forward to ChristmasEve services. There is something so special about all gathering in God's house to start the Christmas Holiday off!
After Church we all sat down to a really good supper. Marilyn goes all out with her Christmas Eve meal. Everyone was so full after supper we did not even get the dessert out!
We opened the rest of the gifts after supper. We all got so many nice things. I was super excited to open up a Brooklyn Lantern. It is something I saw on TV & I mentioned to Kyle that I would like one. Aubree Joy must have been paying attention because one day she saw a couple of them sitting on Chip's dining room table & she said "Grandpa, is that a Brooklyn Lantern?......My mom wants one of those for Christmas." It made my day :-) She kept the secret good too, I had no idea!
We finished up the night playing games & visiting. It was about 11:30 when we got home & I had 3 tired kiddos!! We were all having so much fun, just hated to see the evening come to an end!
Hope & Ben got Aubree & Whitney stick horses for Christmas. They have the girls names branded on the stick. They are super cute! |
Part of Jenae's gift from Aunt Hope is a year subscription to a Barrel Horse Magazine. She will look forward to getting that in the mail every month! |
Trey helping Chase open a gift. |
Whitney trying to share her chocolate covered pretzel with Ben :-) |
Whitney & Chase looking out on to the deck at Chip & Marilyn's. They love looking outside at all the animals. |
Chase & Whitney have lots of fun with Grammy's musical toys. They can keep themselves entertainment for a long time listening & playing with the toys. |
Aubree, Trey & Jenae are getting old enough to have their own "kids" table at meal time. They did so good for their fist time at their own table. We could hear nice polite conversations coming from over there. |
Jenae did good at keeping Chase & Whitney entertained while we finished eating. I really appreciated her help with the kids! She can be such good help when she wants to be! |
Whitney taking the jump horse for a ride! |
The kids opening their gifts at Chip & Marilyn's |
Trey was so excited about all his gifts! It was cute to watch him open each one. He got a pair of chaps to wear when he helps Papa Chip do chores. |
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Gammy playing Play Doh with the kids. |
2 sleeping 1 year olds :-) |