We kept busy again this weekend. The NFR started on Thursday which means our house hold is staying up much later than normal.
Saturday we got together with Marilyn & Hope to work on making Christmas goodies. It was a successful day & we got lots of yummy treats made up. It works nice to get together to crank out a bunch of stuff all at once.
Saturday night Marilyn fixed supper for all of us then Kyle, the girls & I went up to Atkinson to take in the Night in Bethlehem. I had heard good things about the event & thought the girls would enjoy it. As much as I would have like to stay home Saturday night, I know it is these kind of things that make great memories for kids. My girls were at the perfect age to go through it with. The Church goes to a lot of time & expense to put on for the area, I was glad we took the time to support it.
Sunday we went to Church then to a fund raiser brunch at the community center. I of course was thrilled to not have to make dinner! We had Al & Brenda Walnofer over for supper that night & they stayed to watch the NFR with us. By the time Sunday night rolled around I was exhausted!
I was really dreading work Monday morning & I ended up with a daycare dilemma for yesterday & decided to take the day off. It was the perfect day to not leave home. The weather turned really cold & it was -2 degrees yesterday & -10 windchill. I got all our laundry caught up, organized some drawers & baked some Christmas cookies the girls hopefully decorate on Saturday. I needed a nice quiet day to make up for the busy weekend!
Hope getting Jenae & Aubree set up to make chocolate dipped pretzels. |
Jenae & Aubree making some treats! |
Chip & Kyle were on Whitney duty for the day. Whitney loves her Wa Wa & goes with him any chance she gets. She loves getting to go hay the cattle. |
The first stop at the Night in Bethlehem was at the basket shop. Each kid that goes through gets to pick out a basket. Jenae so kindly asked "how much to the baskets cost?" The lady working at the basket shop replied "Nothing!" The girls had a great time picking out there baskets! |
Once they picked out there basket the basket shop lady would cut it down for them. |
The next stop was the quilt shop. They kids colored on blocks that would be used on a quilt that will be displayed next year at the Night in Bethlehem. They could draw anything they wanted. Of course Jenae would draw a horse! |
Aubree drew crosses & trees! |
Aubree writing her name on the scroll. |
Jenae writing John 3:16 on a scroll. It was the only verse she could think of at the moment! |
Aubree wanted to grind corn by sitting on the ground & smashing it with a rock. |
Jenae used the wooded stomper to smash some corn. I think the girls realized how much work it was to make corn meal. |
Aubree crushing corn. |
Whitney did not enjoy much of the night. She was scared of the live animals which is strange for this ranch girl who normally loves any & all animals! |
One thing Whitney did enjoy the cookies! |
Aubree reading her baby. She put her baby in the basket that she got at the night in Bethlehem & sat down with some battery operated candles & "read" to her baby. It was so sweet! Of course Aubree can not yet read which is why I put read in quotation marks. She can however tell a good story while looking at pictures! |
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