A week ago Thursday Jenae had another little incident with hitting the ground! This time she came down off Marana. This is Jenae's 4 time in her life of falling off/getting bucked off a horse and she got another broken arm :-( This time it was her radius instead of her humerus. She is doing really good with it. She rarely complains of pain. She is one tough cowgirl!! When I took her in to ER, I could tell they really didn't think it was broken by how she was acting. She was just holding her arm, but smiling and joking with them. I am betting they thought she just had a bad sprain. They the Xrays reveled what I already knew and they sprang in to action. The doctor was like a little bee buzzing around the ER sending pictures of the xrays to orthopedic PA. They could not believe how tough she was being. They did end up putting a sugar splint cast on it that night then on Tuesday she went in and had the full cast put on. They wanted the swelling to go down before they put the hard cast on her arm. The only time she fussed really about anything was when the doctor thought she should get a shot to help with the pain while the put the splint on. I promised her that the few seconds the shot would hurt would be well worth in. She finally gave in and I do think the shot helped with the pain in the night too. As we walked out of ER she started scratching her face, her legs, her tummy and said "Mom, I am really itchy" We quickly turned back around and back to ER we went. She must have had some reaction to the shot, so they gave her an antihistamine and sent us on our way!
2013 is not been a good year for our family. I am really hoping that we have used up our share of "bad luck" that 2013 has thrown our way!!!
Jenae waiting for the splint to be put on. The band aid on her face was just for fun, she did not have any scratches or scrapes from her accident.
Jenae was all smiles getting her splint put on. It was after the shot had kicked in so she was not feeling too much pain.

Jenae's 2nd cast. She went with Husker Red! This cast will stay on for 2 weeks then she gets a shorter cast put on for the rest of the time.

Aubree wanted to put a smiley face on Jenae's cast. As you can see by the location, Jeane was not real sure she wanted everyone to be able to see Aubree's art work!
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