Trick rider Aubree! She has watched Jenae working her her trick riding so much that she is getting a little too brave!! She is having a blast with it. It amazes me how she goes from girly princess wearing a dress and bracelets or as she calls them "spacelets" to dirty ranch girl who loves to ride her pony Cinnamon. She for sure is enjoying all aspects of being a little girl!

Jenae on Speedster getting some practice time in before the weekend. We have a busy Jr. Rodeo weekend coming up.

Jenae showing me her art that is at the fair. She was happy to see the first place ribbon next to her picture.

Aubree enjoying her new favorite snack! I was making a dessert and had some whipped cream left over. It did not take her long to finish it off for me.
So it is Friday the 13th. I do consider myself somewhat superstitious. No so much that I am afraid to get out of bed, but there is just a little something in the back of my head that just is a little uneasy. I will be really happy when we are all tucked in bed and sound to sleep.
We have had of course another busy week with the fair in town. Wednesday I got up early and made salsa. When the girls woke up we went over to Chip and Marilyn's for Jenae to practice for her upcoming rodeos. Then the girls and I went to the fair to watch the horse show and hit some garage sales. It is so much fun to take little girls garage selling. They always find some treasures :-) It was so hot on Wednesday when we got home from town we ate some lunch and relaxed in the cool. Jenae went back to town with Chip, Marilyn & Trey to watch the horse show. Aubree took a nice long nap. I kept busy with house work.
Marilyn took Jenae into the dog and cat show at the fair yesterday. Jenae is really wanting to do 4-H when she gets old enough. She is having a hard time understanding why she could not enter the horse show this year. She said to me "you should be able to join as soon as you know how to ride a horse, not have to wait until you are 9!"
Yesterday we sold our last 2 puppies. It was bitter sweet. We are glad we found good homes for all of them but we all grew really attached to them. I am proud of the girls they seemed to handle it well. Hopefully it works out that we can raise another litter next summer.
Kyle is up in the rodeo in Chambers tonight. It will be nice to have him home for that, I know a lot of people from the Chambers area enjoy getting to see him compete.
Jenae is going to be hitting the rodeo trail this weekend also. It will be her last rodeos of the season. It looks like it will be a little bit cooler this weekend so that will be really nice.
I hope you all have a great Friday the 13th. Hopefully it the good luck will find you insted of the bad luck ;-)
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