We had a nice day yesterday. I am still trying to get used to not having Jenae home on my day off. Aubree does not seem to mind Jenae being gone. She has free rein of the house and all the toys! She loves to watch for the school bus to come. I think she likes to wave at the bus driver :-)She kept busy playing toys all morning while I made another batch of salsa and baked some banana bread.
I think Jenae is liking school. She does not say a whole lot when she gets home. She did tell me about a little boy that rides her bus. She said he is always trying to kiss her and one of the other little girls on the bus. She said he will walk up to them and say "hellooooo ladies!" it cracked me up when she told me this. Seems crazy it all starts so young! Right now school is still dismissing at 2:00 so it is nice to have her home a little earlier.
The girls and I went for a ride in the afternoon. We did not ride real long I was afraid Aubree would fall asleep while we were on the horse. She had skipped her afternoon nap and I really did not want her to fall asleep at 5:00 in the afternoon. Aubree rode with me and she giggled and giggled when we loped. She said "I want to rope again, I mean lope again" For those of you that have not tried to ride with a kiddo in front of you it can be a tad uncomfortable for both riders from time to time and going much faster then a walk can have its challenges.
We went home and made pancakes for supper and called it a night. The girls were both exhausted. It amazes me how much school can tucker Jenae out!
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