Another Beautiful Fall Weekend it was! I do not want to jinks it but so far it has been the most perfect fall in Nebraska. The evenings are cool with highs in the day time of about 70 degrees. The trees are so pretty right now. All the leaves have changed from green to different shades of red, orange and yellows. From what I saw on the forecast this morning on the news, it looks like we are in for yet another awesome week!
Well I am officially done canning for the year. I finished the last of my jelly making on Friday night. I really enjoy canning, but I think I kind of burned myself out of it this year. I am sure I will be anxious to get back to it next year :-)
Saturday morning the girls and I got up and tried to get the house in order. Marilyn made ribs for dinner & they were awesome. Ben is pretty sure she could put the BBQ Restaurant in O'Neill out of business if she wanted to ;-) After our belly's were full we had to run Jenae to the Chambers Corner to meet up with her classmates for a friend's birthday party. It sounds like she had a lot of fun. Saturday evening we had my cousin, Heather's bachelorette party. Jacque came down to watch Jenae, Aubree & Riley while Lacey & I went to the party. It was a really nice time. Lots of laughs and good food!! I think Jacque got along good with the kiddos. Jenae said they had lots of fun. Little Miss Aubree gave him a couple of challenges and one time she told him "Sometimes I don't listen to my Mommy either" She can be such a challenging child at times and other times she is a perfect little girl.
Usually no in between :-)

Lacey is Heather's Matron on Honor and she was the main one in charge of the party. She hosted a very nice party for Heather. She put lots of time in to make it a special night.

Danielle, Linda, My Mom, & Erin visiting in the Kitchen. So much good food the kitchen was the place to be!

Heather in one of the games. It was a relay where you had to do all sorts of silly things including putting on a large bra and pair of panties over your clothes while blindfolded!

Connie & Renae having a good laugh!

Heather opening her gifts.
Kyle had been in Waco Tx Since Friday. He placed on his first steer but no luck on his 2nd steer. He got home Yesterday about noon. I thought we should do something fun on 10-10-10 so we took the girls out to Lambert's Pumpkin Patch. It was so much fun and a beautiful day. The girls got to ride the Molly Trolley, ride on the hay rack out to pick out their pumpkin, feed over ripe melons to some cattle, eat a caramel apple and walk through the haunted forest. I got a lot of good pictures. The Pumpkin Patch is no to far from Hope & Ben's house so we stopped by for a quick visit then went to Chip & Marilyn's for another quick visit. The day went fast!

Jenae riding in the Molly Trolley.

Aubree thought she was big stuff getting to ride in the Molly Trolley.

Kyle and the girls on the hay rack headed out to the pumpkin patch.

Kyle & the girls in the pumpkin patch.

Kyle making sure Aubree was happy with her pumpkin.

Aubree with her perfect pumpkin!!

Jenae checking out all the pumpkins!

We told the girls they could get a pumpkin as big as they could carry. Jenae made sure to get the biggest one she could possibly carry.

Jenae with her perfect pumpkin.

Aubree enjoying a caramel apple.

The girls and I in front of the haunted forest.

The girls were pretty wide eyed in the haunted forest!
That evening Jenae & Aubree went in the chicken pen to gather the eggs. Aubree started screaming at the top of her lungs. It was the type of scream that she was in pain. I heard Jenae yell "Run Aubree Run!" as Jenae was running out of the pen. Kyle dropped what he was doing and took off running in the pen to find out what was going on. One the the roosters had her cornered with his feathers on the back of his neck standing up. We are not sure if he pecked at her or if he just scared her. When I asked her what happened she said "the rooster buk(ed) me with his buk(er)" For those of you that do not know much about the egg business every couple years you have to get new laying hens. When you order the female chicks they guarantee that 95% of them will be females. Well this year we ended up with 3 roosters. While they are pretty with all their rooster feathers they can get mean. So our roosters may not be around much longer if they have discovered her mean side. Time will tell what their fate will be!!!

After our big weekend both girls were so tired! I gave Aubree a couple of book to look at in bed while I was downloading some pictures to my computer. Once I got my camera started to download them I went to her room to read to her and this is how I found her. I don't think she even got the books opened before she fell asleep.
I hope have a great week and are able to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather!!