Jenae doing some of her trick riding on Master Card. Jenae was able help Kyle and Chip move cattle yesterday and Kyle said she rode like this a lot of the way. She is getting braver and braver all the time. Her trick riding in the past has been on her pony in an arena not out in the wide open on a full grown horse.
Aubree was having fun playing in the dirt while we were working the cattle. She was such a good little girls that day.
A beautiful fall week we have had here in Nebraska. Highs have been in the 70's and we are all enjoying it compared to last year at this time. The leaves are starting to change colors and you can smell fall in the air.
Well no canning for me on Wednesday. I spent the day helping Kyle and Chip work the calves that we will sell this fall. It was a nice day out, a little on the windy side but still a nice fall day. Aubree helped in the morning. She was such a good little ranch girl. She rode with me on Hippy when we went to gather the cattle up. We were following behind one bunch and Kyle & Chip were bring up another bunch. The cattle were running across the pasture and Aubree said "I didn't know cattle knew how to lope" It was cute. For my non ranching friends that read my blog, loping is what we call it when a horse runs not cattle! I knew the day would get long for Aubree so when we stopped at noon to eat we took her in to Lindsay's house. Lindsay house has been such a blessing for us. I used to bring Aubree to O'Neill for daycare, but made the change to keep her in Chambers now. I adored her daycare provider in O'Neill, but I did not like having to have her on the road with me when the weather was bad and it is nice to have a place to take her if I need to help on the ranch. It has also been very helpful for the days that Kyle & Chip keep Aubree to know that they always have a back up plan for her if they need to. Lindsay is a wonderful person and Aubree really enjoys it when she gets to go to her house. She said to Lindsay yesterday "Lindsay I love you, but not as much as I love my mommy!" Lindsay assured her that was fine to love mommy more. I think it made Lindsay feel good anyway :-)
I have more pictures from the week I will try to get uploaded over the weekend. I think we are going to have a nice relaxing weekend. It is going to be strange to have Kyle home for an entire weekend. It has been so long since we have been home as a family that I can't even remember when the last time was.
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