Our weekend seems like it was plenty busy for not having any real plans. Friday night we went out for supper at the Cafe in Chambers then to the football game. It was a nice evening, but the girls were tires so we left with Marilyn at half time and Kyle stayed for the rest of the game.
I was hoping that Saturday would be my last day of canning for the year, but I ran out of jars and still have one more kind of jelly Kyle wants me to make. I worked on my jelly project all morning and part of the afternoon. Kyle enjoyed a Saturday home and watched some football and rode his colts. Jenae & Aubree played and played and played. They were good little troopers. After I was done making my jelly we went over to Chip & Marilyn's so Kyle could practice his steer wrestling. That evening we had a bonfire at our place. It was a perfect night for a bonfire! Our last bonfire was in the spring and the creek was nice and warm. The first thing Aubree did was started taking off her clothes to go for a swim. It took some convincing to get her to put her clothes back on since the water would have been freezing! It was a really nice time except for some challenges we were having with Jenae. She was so tired and as much as I love her she was a bit of a handful. When we got home that night I was pretty upset and disappointed in how Jenae acted. I suppose I was raising my voice when I was talking to her. Aubree gets pretty protective of Jenae when Jenae is in trouble. Aubree told me in her sweet little voice. "Mommy, before you were born you used to be a monster and you had freaky hands!" It cracked me up! I guess she thought I was being too hard on Jenae. I am not sure were she came up with the freaky hands part!

Marilyn & Bree at the bonfire.

Jenae getting a log for the fire. She and Aubree kept busy gathering wood.

Ben, Hope & Trey enjoying the good supper that Marilyn cooked.

I had the great idea that we could roast the hot dogs on the fire. Marilyn cooked some hamburgers on the grill at home before we headed out. The fire was so hot that roasting the hot dogs on the fire many not have been my best idea. It would have been so much easier to throw them on the grill before hand!

Aubree feeding Buster some of the left overs! He was happy to get them!

Hope, Chip & Trey at the bonfire. The sunset was so beautiful that night.

Enjoying the bonfire


Our little family at the bonfire
Sunday we got up and went to church. After church we went over to Chip & Marilyn's for dinner. Kyle's Aunt Linda was up to get a couple of horses that Kyle had been breaking for her. She seemed happy with how Kyle had the horses going. Linda took of shortly after dinner and the girls and I headed home as well. When we got home the girls helped me in the kitchen and they were bound and determined to do some baking in their easy bake oven. All the mess it was to get out and clean up it entertained them for 15-20 minutes! Oh well, they had fun while they were baking and they loved eating their creations!! Chip's cousin Lana stopped by for a visit in the afternoon. We had a nice visit, it is always nice to see her. She seems to doing well. She has had a rough past few years as she had gillian's barre syndrome and is still recovering from that.
The weekend went so fast! It was so nice to have Kyle home for the whole weekend!
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