My Brother's wife, Erin and her little girls Allyx & Brooke. Dusty was at a rodeo, but Erin and the girls made it to the wedding.

My sister Danielle & her family.

My sister, Lacey, & her family

My nephews Kellen & Tyson

Brooke & Riley

Riley & Allyx. They are at stage where they LOVE to kiss each other.

My Grandma Forre and I after the wedding.

Lacey dancing with the kids.

I love this picture of Aubree's big blue eyes.

Jenae & Kyle. This picture really shows how much Jenae adores her Daddy!

Jenae & Bree doing some dancing

My parents at the reception

Jenae was a server at the reception. I was a little worried if she was old enough to do such a job, but she did great.

Aubree LOVED every minute of the dance. She tried really hard to figure out the Macarena dance. It was so cute to watch her try to do the moves like the adults were doing.

I took this picture of Kyle & Aubree dancing right before Aubree wiped out on the dance floor. She didn't seem to mind as she got right up kept on dancing.

Kellen & Brooke having fun dancing!

Before the dance started the kids were running and sliding. They had a blast!

Aubree checking something out on the table along with my cousin, Michael, & my cousin Jason's daughter, Madison. Aubree looks like she is maybe up to no good!
Yesterday was a very nice relaxing day around the Whitaker house. We were all a little tried and feeling lazy so we skipped church. I feel bad when we don't make it to church when we are home but I try to catch a couple of church services on the radio and spend a little time reading the Bible. I know it is not the same as making the effort to go to church, but it makes me feel a little less guilty if I do those things. It was so nice to have a day at home to get caught up on house work and to do a little baking. The girls and I made caramel apples, OK maybe it was Jenae and I that made the caramel apples, Aubree was being a little too helpful so she got to hang out in the living room with Kyle while he watched a little football. We read a lot of books and watched Black Beauty.
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