Leading up to today Jenae has been referring to Sarah in the by her first name only. Last night when I was putting her to bed I told her "you better get to sleep, it is going to be an early morning tomorrow." She gave me a funny look and said "why?" and before I could answer her she said "oh I get to see Sarah tomorrow." As I was getting her ready this morning I was giving her a little talking to about how to be a really good girl for Grammy today and not complain about anything and that if she was a really good girl there would be other times that Grammy would ask her to do thing. Jenae asked " like what?" I said "well maybe if Obama comes to town" Jenae got a really disgusted look on her face and said "I would NEVER go see that guy!!!!" Maybe she has been watching a little to much Fox News with her Daddy!
At the book signing they did not allow any photos with Sarah, but Jenae was very excited to get a picture with Sarah's daughters Willow & Piper.
Yesterday Amy & Danni came up for visit. They brought the Zutavern boys along to play with Jenae & Aubree. It was a much nicer day and the kids spent a lot of the time outside.
Thursday night Jenae, Aubree & I stayed up until midnight decorating for Christmas. They had so much fun looking through all the decorations and deciding where to put them.
It as been a busy past few days, but it is so nice to have some time off work. Monday will roll around soon enough. Today was another really nice day I think it was in the mid 40's. Only a couple of days until the first of December....that is when the real craziness begins :-)

Piper & Willow Palin with Jenae at the book signing.

Jenae & Marilyn at the Sarah Palin book signing.

Jenae in line to get her book signed by Sarah Palin.

The Whitaker Girls & Zutavern Boys playing & riding in the arena.

Reece riding Beauty

Bryan on Beauty

Aubree & Caden riding Hippy

Jenae & Aubree having fun decorating the tree. They did a great job with it. I told Jenae that it was theirs to do what they wanted with the tree, but not to be offended if I moved things around after they were done. Jenae was so concerned that I would change what she was doing that she made sure to do a good job putting the ornaments all over the tree, not just the middle bottom of the tree.
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