Friday night Kyle was at a rodeo in Brookings, SD. The girls and I had a fun night of pizza and a movie. We watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I love the Charlie Brown movies. They always get me in the spirit of the Holidays.
Saturday morning we went over to Chip & Marilyn's to visit. Hope, Ben & Trey were there and we got some good fall pictures of the kids while the guys were vaccinating the heifers. Marilyn made an awesome dinner that we all enjoyed. We got home about the time the Husker Football game started. Nebraska ended up winning in overtime but it was a pretty stressful game. Kyle couldn't watch much of it he was getting so mad. He went outside and listened to it on the radio. He got a lot done outside while the game was on. He even cleaned out the chicken house :-)

Jenae Grace
(Jenae lost her other front tooth this past week!)

Aubree Joy

Trey William

Jenae jumping in the leaves.

Bree jumping in a pile of leaves.

Trey walking

Trey was not a fan of the leaves.

The girls riding on Cinnamon. He is off to live at Trey's house now. Aubree thought she should go to Trey's house too if Cinnamon was going to be there.
As soon as the game was over we headed up to O'Neill. Jenae wanted to use her pizza book it certificate and then we took the girls to see Secretariat. It was such a good movie! They sat really really good and watched the whole thing. Jenae had lots of questions during the movie but she really enjoyed it. I couldn't believe how good Aubree sat and watched it. We ran into some friends at the movie and had them stop over to our house for a visit.

Jenae & Aubree & the movie theater.
Sunday we got up and went to church. Jenae took communion for the first time. At our church anyone is welcome to take Communion as long as you know and understand that Jesus Christ is our savior. I knew that Jenae has a really good understanding of Jesus and sometimes I think she has a better understanding than I do. She has been wanting to take communion for sometime now and Kyle has told her she has to wait. Sunday when she asked him he asked if she knew what communion was she said "the cheese or what ever that stuff is that you eat is the bones of Jesus and the juice is his blood." We talked more about it after church and clarified a few things but I think she understood pretty good.
After church I got into a big project of putting away Aubree's 2T and getting out 3T clothes for her to wear. It is a big moment for me. She has always been so small for her age and the fact that she just turned 3 two months ago and is now wearing the 3T clothes is awesome for me. I looked back at my blog from a year ago and saw that last October I finally put away her 12 month clothes and got out 18 month clothes. She went from 18 month to 2T and now to 3T in just 1 year!
Last night we went into a Turkey Dinner that a church in town puts on. It was so nice I didn't cook 1 meal all weekend long!
I titled my blog post ups and downs because as great of a weekend as we had my heart is hurting. My Grandpa who is an amazing man is getting close to his final days here on earth. While I know he is headed to a much better place it saddens me to think of him not being with us. It is all part of the circle of life and I think I am finally starting to understand how fast my life is flying by and while tomorrow may come I never get today back!
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