Aubree helping Trey blow out his candle.

Chip & Marilyn with the Grand kids.

Cowboy Trey

Ben & Hope with their little cowboy!
Saturday morning we got up bright and early to round up the calves for the sale. Trey & Aubree stayed back with Marilyn and the rest of us went out to gather and sort. All went well. We even discovered some little pumpkins growing where Kyle had thrown out last years pumpkins. We had quite the little pumpkin patch that we didn't even know about. After the cattle were loaded up and headed out we went to the sale to watch. The girls sat really good the first hour of sale but started wander a bit after that. Right when Chip's cattle were in the ring selling Aubree took a tumble down the bleachers/steps. It was one of those times if felt I was watching her fall in slow motion but there was nothing I could do to stop her. She ended up landing on her bottom instead of her head and really I think it more scared her than hurt her. We were thankful for that. Jenae liked to go walk on the catwalk to see all the cattle. I got to admit catwalks are not something I am super comfortable on. I never have been a big fan of heights.

Jenae on Beauty at sunrise.

Rounding up the cattle at sunrise

Chip, Kyle & Jenae heading out after some cattle.

Jenae and I didn't have to help sort so once the cattle were rounded up we really didn't have much to do. Jenae was entertaining me with some of her trick riding. She said this was her sunbathing!

Chip & Marilyn with the girls at the sale barn cafe before the sale starts.

Jenae on the catwalk.

Aubree over visiting with Kyle while he was visiting with Gary. I mostly posted this picture to show the stairs Aubree fell down!

Chip, Marilyn & the girls hanging out at the sale.
We got home from the sale just in time to watch the Huskers stomp all over the Tigers. It was a fun game to watch. We spent most of the evening hanging around the house. We did venture out to our pumpkin patch at the creek and pick some of our pumpkins.

Jenae & Aubree picking pumpkins from our wild pumpkin patch

My Pre Halloween supper. I realize by posting this you will all see the nerdy side me! (If you haven't already!) What I am not sure of what makes me the bigger nerd, making this food or taking a picture of it and posting it on my blog!
Sunday we got up and went to church. We spent the afternoon at home before we headed out to do some trick or treating. Jenae was a witch and Aubree was Pocahontas. Aubree was really into checking things out in peoples houses. Pretty much everyone invited us in and once she got in the house she kept busy looking at anything eye level to her. She ended up falling asleep on the way to our last stop and was out for the rest of the night. She woke up at 2:30 this morning asking for a drink of water and then she went right back to sleep. First thing she said this morning as she was rubbing her eyes trying to wake up was "where are my treats?"

The girls before we headed out trick or treating.

It was a fun weekend!
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