
Monday, November 15, 2010

Louisville Ky

Kyle and I left Wednesday for Louisville Ky. We left Jenae with Chip & Marilyn and took Aubree down to my parents. The last time Kyle & I took a trip with out the girls was when we went to Pocatello, ID in April. Long story short that was the trip from Hell! Look back at my April postings on my blog if you want details. With my Pocatello trip still pretty fresh in my memory I have to admit there was a little part of me that didn't want to go to Kentucky, but I knew if all went well it would be fun & PLT everything turned out just fine. :-) The weather in Louisville was absolutely gorgeous. It was in the mid to upper 70s and I did not wear a coat all weekend long!

My brother, Dusty, also qualified for the rodeo. He left on Tuesday so he could go down for a roping. His wife, Erin, is a school teacher and could not take that much work off. When we dropped Aubree off at my parents we picked Erin up and away we went. The trip went good and we made good time. Kyle only was in the bronc riding so we were able to drive the car.

We got to Louisville mid morning on Thursday and got checked into our hotel. The afternoon went fast it was time to head to the rodeo. I was really missing the girls. I am not used to leaving them home. Chip's cousin, Lorrie and her husband, Tom, lives near Louisville. They came over to the rodeo to watch that night. They are so nice and we always enjoy a chance to catch up with them. Kyle made a nice ride on his bronc and split 2nd/3rd in the first round with a score of 77.

Friday we went to Churchhill Downs with Nick and his Mom & Grandma.(Nick was who traveled with Kyle all year.) It was a lot of fun. I am not a gambler so I didn't bet on any horses. Kyle bet on a few but had no luck. I really enjoyed looking at all of the Secretariat memorabilia. They had a whole room in the museum with things from the movie Secretariat. I could have spent hours in the museum.

Marilyn had the idea that we should set up a Skype account and we could visit with Jenae over the computer. It is pretty cool technology!!! We could sit and visit with Jenae and see her. It was so nice to see her smiling face.

Friday night it was back to the rodeo. Kyle was 68 on his 2nd bronc which put him
2nd in the average.

Saturday we got up and checked out of the hotel and spent most of the day at the rodeo grounds. I did a lot of shopping at the trade show. I found some things to use as Christmas gifts. It is a good feeling to have a start on Christmas Shopping. Things didn't go so well for Kyle on Saturday night. He had a really good horse, but things just didn't come together for him. He lost a stirrup and had to double grab, no score. To top it off I watched his ride through my video camera but forgot to put the red button to record it, oops!!!!!

We left as soon as the bronc riding was over. Kyle and I were both really tired driving home which made it a long trip. We got to my parents about 9:30 to pick up Aubree.

Kyle & Aubree headed home & I went over to Albion to see my Grandpa. It was really hard to see him as bad as he is. I can't believe he is hanging on. I am glad I stopped I at least got to sit with him for a while a hold his hand. My Aunt Jean is giving him 24 hour care. She is an amazing person to do what she does for him. I know it is really hard for her to see him suffer and know she is doing all she can do the keep him comfortable but it still is not enough. Please keep him in your prayers. I think sometimes God lets us see the suffering to make it easier to let loved ones go.

It sounds like Jenae & Aubree did just fine while Kyle & I were gone. Marilyn took Jenae to Grand Island to watch the state volleyball tournament. I think she really enjoyed that. Aubree had fun with all of her cousins. My sister Daneille kept her on Friday night and took Aubree & her 3 boys shopping in Norfolk on Saturday. I think she must have been a little off her rocker!!! She said they were all good for her. I think both girls were glad to see us, but it doesn't sound like it would have bothered them to have us gone longer!! I guess it will make it easier for me to go to Vegas a few days in December knowing they have lost of fun while I am gone :-)

I am having a hard time getting pictures posted from this past weekend. I will try again tomorrow.

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