We had a busy weekend & it turned out a little different than I as hoping for. Saturday we headed to Albion to celebrate the Holiday Season with my Mom's side of the family. Our families are getting so big & busy to avoid trying to fit one more thing into the busy 6 week Holiday hustle & bustle we celebrated both Thanksgiving & Christmas. At first I thought it was going to seem strange celebrating them so early, but as it turned out it was a really nice day & knowing this would be our only gathering of the holiday season, I made sure to get a chance to get as much visiting done as I could.
Kyle was asked to speak at the Nebraska High School Rodeo Banquet so after we ate dinner my Dad took him over to hwy 281 to meet up with Chip. The girls & I went on to my parents house to spend the night. I was looking forward to some nice relaxing time with my parents however Whitney had other ideas! She was really fussy & crabby & ended up throwing up then running a fever. It was a really long night especially since we got an extra hour!!! Hindsite I wish I would have just packed up & headed home when she got sick, but I was not sure if it was the stomach flu or what was going on with Whitney. I didn't want to be on the road by myself with a sick baby. Also I thought Jenae & Aubree would not be happy since we do not get many chances to spend the night at my parents. As it turns out I am fairly sure it was not the stomach flu. She only threw up one other time & that was right after I gave her some meds that I do not think agreed with her tummy. She was not a happy camper & I was trying to keep her as quiet as possible in the middle of the night so the rest of the house could sleep! When my Mom got up for the morning I went to sleep for a couple hours. I needed that!! If I had to guess I would think it was a combination of too much junk food & teething. Today she was her happy little self & fever free :-) Aubree went in to spend the night with Brooke & Allyx. Jenae enjoyed getting to spend time without Aubree & pretty much getting Grandpa & Grandma to herself!
We stayed until after dinner on Sunday then I made my way home with 3 very tired kids!! Bree was asleep before we even hit the highway & Whitney slept on & off all the way home. Jenae kept busy on the ipod!
My kids have been eating entirely toooo much candy!!! Aubree wanted some right when she woke up this morning, but I didn't think she needed any. With the time change we were all up nice & early this morning & Aubree seemed very eager for me to leave. She kept saying "Mommy, when are you leaving for work" which is the opposite of her usually morning behavior. Usually she is begging me to stay home & not go to work. I couldn't figure out why she wanted me gone so bad this morning. I finally left & I could hear her in her sweet little Aubree voice say "Now Daddy, can I have one" I could hear the kitchen chair slide across my kitchen floor. I knew exactly what she was up to.....she was getting into the Halloween candy!!! I peaked in the window & sure enough she was getting herself a fruit roll up!
I guess at least it has fruit in it, right????!!!
My mom's side of the family enjoying visiting with one another. |
Kyle visiting with Brooke about school. Bree was listening to every word! |
Whitney eating a cookie. |
Riley, Brooke, Aubree & Jace |
Jenae reading the Christmas Story to the kids. |
Whitney & Jaxson playing toys. |
The kids excited to see Santa stopping in for a visit! |
Santa stopped by to just make sure the kids have been being good! |
Aubree telling Santa she wants a doll for Christmas. I think she got so excited/nervous the only thing she could think to ask for is what she asked for last year. |
Jenae telling Santa she wanted a sports car & a barn for Christmas. What a silly girl!! |
Santa making sure Aunt Jean has been a good girl! |
Whitney trying to warm up to the man in red! She did not know what to think of him. |
My Great Grandma with most of her great grand kids. We were missing 3. As you can see Whitney was less than trilled with getting her picture taken. |
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