Also this weekend I went to my cousin's bridal shower in Norfolk. Kyle was home and it was a beautiful day so I left the girls home so they could get some time in the saddle. It sounds like they had a blast, I knew they would. Aubree even got in on her first little cattle drive on Beauty. She has helped move cattle several times while riding with Kyle, Chip or me, but this was the first time she rode on her own horse. It sounds like it went well, I guess Beauty was trying to eat grass so Chip had to help her out a little in the pasture. Other than that I think she did it on her own. Jenae of course also helped move the cattle and I think she also got to run barrels. It will not be long and Chip's main ranch hands will be Jenae & Aubree, Trey will not be far behind them in helping out on the ranch as well.
Ben, Hope & Trey came over so we could get some family pictures of them. I think they got some good ones. Trey is such a photogenic little guy. He always has a smile on his face!

Jenae with our pumpkin crop from this year. It was a pretty small crop compared to what we had last year. We did get 2 big pumpkins that are not in the picture.

Jenae thought it would be funny to have a pumpkin nose.

Aubree pulling Jenae in the wagon. She pulled her all over and Jenae is twice Aubree's size but Aubree pulled her all over like it was nothing.

Jenae had the bright idea to have Buster pull the wagon. He was not crazy about the idea. One time he took off and Aubree went flying out of the back end of the wagon. The girls giggled and giggled and giggled.