
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Fall

lovely rainy fall morning!!

Well we are having a very soggy start to the fall season. Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons, but after having such a long, cold, & snowy winter last year I am not sure if I am as excited about fall as I have been in the past. Last year we had snow storms in October. I am excited to pick the pumpkins from the garden and decorate the house for fall.

Yesterday I spent most of the day canning apples. I made apple sauce, apple butter, canned apples for apple pies, 2 kinds of apple jelly and some wild plum jelly. Kyle, Chip & the girls had picked a bunch of apples this weekend and I did not want them to think I did not appreciate them so I used every single apple. Some of the apples had bad spots on them that I had to cut around but any good part of an apple was used and they had picked a lot of apples!!! Jenae loves apple butter. She was so excited to come home from school and find that I had made it. It was then found out she was planning to give some of the apples to the horses. That would have been useful information to know a couple hours earlier when I was so tired of pealing and slicing apples :-) She was so tickled with her apple butter that she really did not seem to care that Beauty would be getting any apples. I still have some peaches that I want to can and I have a couple more little canning projects, but I am getting close to being done canning for the year.

Happy fall everyone!!!

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