
Monday, September 20, 2010


We had another eventful weekend! Kyle & Chip took the girls along with them to some rodeos this weekend. They went to Iowa & Minnesota. It sounds like the girls had an absolute blast!!!! They left on Friday morning and got back last night. It was our open house at work on Friday which make it impossible for me to take the day off to go with them. It was really hard on me to think of them being gone 3 whole days, but I knew they would have a lot of fun and that there would be plenty of rodeo wives around to help take good care of them.
Some of the highlight that I have heard about are the following:

*Jenae running barrels in a practice arena on Kyle/Chip's calf horse, Comet.
It sounds like she went really really fast on him.

*Aubree having lots of fun with little Miss Lainee Burks. Kyle over heard Aubree
saying to Lainee "You have beautiful black hair just like me....Don't you think
my hair is pretty"

*Chip, Jenae & Aubree picking lots of apples for me off of Matt & Missy's apple

* Missy spoiling my girls with Alvin & the Chipmunks movie & a whole lot of
Cabbage Patch Kids to play with

I am looking forward to hearing lots more from them. We only had about an hour from when they got home until they went to bed. They were exhausted!!!

Fun at rodeo! Just had a cookie

Pictures forwarded to me from friends at the rodeo with Kyle.

Marilyn & I took a road trip to Denver for the weekend. Her sister, Sandy, has been diagnosed with cancer and we went out to visit her. The plan was that she was supposed to get to go home on Saturday and we were looking forward to spending some time at home with her. We drove to Denver late Friday night and got up early and went to the hospital. Sandy was doing great when we first got there, but shortly after our arrival she started having some compilations. Needless to say we did not get to take her home. We spent the day at the hospital with her and her daughter. The hospital staff was great and she was doing much better yesterday.

Sandy is such a cool lady, I always enjoy my visits with her. She is a college professor and supervises student teachers going into elementary education. She has some really neat ways to work with kids to help them in the learning process. I love picking her brain for ideas that she has to work with my girls. I would love to have her come stay with us for a bit and work one on one with Jenae or take Jenae to Denver to visit her sometime. I know Jenae would love it! For now she need to focus on beating the cancer.

On our way home Marilyn & I found a Colorado Peach stand so I am thinking Wednesday will be canning day :-)

I hope you all have a great week!

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