Jenae with her classmate on their play date.
Sunday was a nice day to be home and get caught up on house work. That evening we got Jenae, Aubree & Trey together for some pictures. The wild flowers are in full bloom right now and we got some really good ones.
Kyle got home Monday morning. It was nice to have him home on Labor Day. Chip sold some cattle on the Labor Day Sale in O'Neill so Kyle spent a lot of the morning helping get them loaded out.
I was having trouble finding a time that would work to celebrate Aubree's birthday with my family. It seems that life has been crazy lately and planning a birthday party has not be a real high priority. I was thinking that later in the month might work but since it has dried up so fast harvest it right a round the corner for my parents and I knew it would be hard for them to get away during harvest. Saturday I was talking to my Mom and I said "what do you think about getting together this Monday" She thought that would work so we had a very last minute birthday party for Aubree on Monday. We planned to meet in Clearwater at the park and have a picnic for her party, but Mother Nature did not cooperate. It was cool, wet & windy. We ended up having everyone at our house. Lacey had to work so she was not able to come, but Jacque & Riley still came. Erin called me first thing Monday morning saying that they would not be able to come because Brooke had the stomach flu. Danielle and her whole family came and of course my parents. My Mom always makes the cake for her grand kids birthdays. Brooke had a horse cake for her birthday back in April and Aubree has been wanting one ever since. Even though it was a last minuter party my Mom still had time to make the cake Aubree wanted. She was very excited to have a horse cake of her own. Mom made sure to have the Whitaker Brand on the cake which was a nice touch! It was a nice day. The kids had lots of fun playing.

Aubree and her cake.

Aubree & Cooper. I guess they got married that day :-)

The kids taking a break from playing to eat some cake.
That evening Hope came over and took some family pictures. She did a great job and has a real eye for photography. I was worried because I knew the girls were really tired from playing with their cousins all day but they were troopers and did pretty good!

This was one of our blooper pictures. We knew the girls were done with pictures at this point! You will have to wait for our Christmas card to see our good family picture!
We are looking forward to this weekend. We are having some visitors which my girls & I are very excited about! I think we are going to take Jenae to a horse show to run barrels & poles this weekend & We are going to celebrate Aubree & Ben's Birthday on Sunday so we are looking forward to that as well. It is going to be a fun filled weekend!
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