A week ago Saturday our friends Zane & Sara had their annual New Years Eve Party. Yes I know it was not New Years, but they had to have the week following due to some scheduling conflicts. It was a lot of fun. Zane goes to a lot of work planning games for everyone to participate in. We did all sorts of things from tying a bucket on our head and trying to catch ping pong ball to trying see who could stack 7 oreos on their head the fastest. The girls spent the night at Chip & Marilyn's house.
Sunday we got up and got ready for church. The girls were having too much fun with Grandma & Grandpa so they skipped out on church. It felt strange to go to church without them. It really started snowing on Sunday afternoon and the snow just kept on a coming.
School was called off Monday & Tuesday due to the extreme cold and the snow. I am so thank for my job and my boss to give us snow days. They are basically free days and treasure the extra days I get to be home with my family. We kept really busy making crafts and playing play dough. Aubree and I played "house" She wanted me to be the mom and she was the kid. I still really do not know how that was "playing" since I am her mom and she is my kid. We had fun anyway. I did make it into work on Tuesday for part of the day. I am not sure driving on my country roads to O'Neill in my car was the greatest idea, but I made it.
Buster has been getting to spend a lot of time in our mud room since it is so cold outside. Jenae loves to read to him and she is convinced he loves to hear her read. One morning she took her book into the mud room and Buster was jumping up and down so excited to see Jenae. She said "Wow, I didn't know Buster like reading this much"
Wednesday I had to go to Grand Island for a State Farm meeting. It was so cold that day. We started off the day at 8 below 0 and I think it got to a high of 9 degrees above zero.
I took Thursday off since I had the meeting on Wednesday. It turned into a nice day. Kyle went to Wakefileds to practice most of the afternoon and Aubree and I plugged away at house work. When Jenae got home from school we went out and did some sledding. It was a lot of fun. Aubree played "house" out side and the barn was her house. She wanted Jenae & I to come visit her. I just love her little imagination!!
Saturday Ben, Hope & Trey came over for a visit. It was nice to have them over. They stayed for dinner and Chip came over as well. (Marilyn was working with FCCLA kids, getting them ready for districts) Jenae & Aubree invited themselves to go home with Hope. Hope so kindly agreed to take the little monkeys and they had a blast.
Sunday morning I got up early to pick the girls up from Hope's house. Then went to church. After church we were invited to Foster & Sue's house for breakfast. Kyle went coyote hunting and the girls and I had nice relaxing day. I even took a short nap!! :-) I wanted to bake some chocolate chip cookies but Jenae had another idea. She got out the Chamber's Fireman Cookbook and looked through it until she found a recipe to make. She ended up picking out sinckerdooles. It is crazy to me that she is old enough to pick out a recipes out of a recipe book with out pictures and be such a good helper!
Kyle is getting geared up to start with the winter rodeos. Nick arrived at our house last night. Jenae and Aubree were so excited to see him. I was working with Jenae on her math flash cards and Nick picked up a pile of flash cards and started working with her too. It was nice of him, I am sure she enjoyed having someone different to work with instead of boring ol' mom!
It is snowing again!!! We are supposed to get another 4-8 inches between today & tomorrow. I am so tired of the snow!! Sunshine please come back.
Pictures form Zane & Sara's party

Pictures of the girls keeping busy!
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