I was able to come into work a little bit late because to night is the O'Neill Chamber of Commerce Banquet. I am afraid it will be a late night as the speakers at the banquet are usually the kind of people that like to hear themselves talk. Usually Susan, my boss, will let me skip out about midway through the speaker and head home. Tonight however they are doing commercials spoofs as the entertainment and our office is going to do the State Farm ad where you sign a jingle and the agent magically appears to fix a problem. It should be funny! Kyle and Nick left last night for Rapid City. They are up this morning in slack and will be home tonight.
The extra time at home this morning was really nice. I could get used to coming to work at 9:30.
I hope you all have a great weekend!!!
Jenae & her snowman!!

This is how Aubree came home yesterday. She loves to wear her dresses but she knows she is supposed to wear tights with them in the winter time. I said to her "Aubree, aren't your legs cold??" She said "Yes they are, that darn Daddy forgot to put tights on me today!"

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