
Monday, January 24, 2011

The Rooster Is Gone!!!!

Yesterday I got in a big fight with the rooster while I was gathering the eggs. He has gotten progressively mean as the time as went on and I think he knew he had my number! For my blog readers that do not know the chicken business a rooster is not necessary to have in order to get eggs. That is a really common question I have gotten in my 3 years as a chicken farmer. When you order chickens they guarantee that you get 95% hens but when they are baby chicks it is really hard to tell if they are male or female so you end up with a few roosters. We got rid of 2 of the roosters this fall when we got rid of our 2 year old hens. Chip thought it would be fun to keep a rooster and raise baby chicks. I said I didn't care if we kept one as long as he did not get mean. Well... he got very mean and especially to females. He had my sister totally freaked out in when she was staying at our place while Kyle & I were in Vegas. Jim Wakefield told me he would love to have a mean rooster a couple of months ago, but he never mentioned it to me again. After my fight with rooster I stomped into the house and called Jim. I told him if he wanted the rooster he could have him and if not the rooster was going to meet his maker this week. Jim said he would take him if Kyle would bring him up. I just talked to Kyle, he Nick & the rooster on their way to Wakefields. Yay!!!! I will not miss that stupid ol' rooster! I am so glad he is gone :-)

The girls and I had a nice relaxing weekend. I will try to recap it in a post tomorrow.

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