I had the annual O'Neill Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet on Friday night. We recreated a State Farm commercial and we put on own spin on it. If you want to see it and you are on Facebook you need to "like" Wakefield Insurance Agency. You will then be able to see the video clip. We were so excited because our commercial won!!! Every year we participate in what ever the banquet theme is and we NEVER win. We were very excited to have won this time :-)
Susan, Me & Natalie at the Banquet.

Saturday we got up and headed to Lincoln for the rodeo. The girls were so excited to get to go to a rodeo. Winter rodeos are not my favorite, but Lincoln's rodeo is always a lot of fun. Kyle had nice support there. Hope & Ben made the trip down to watch the rodeo and Kyle's cousin, Brooke, brought her roommate. It was fun to have them all there. My Brother Dusty was entered in the rodeo too. Erin and Brooke came along with him. Aubree was so happy to get to see Brooke. They had fun sitting together at the rodeo. They would giggle and giggle and giggle when the bareback horses would fall down. (It was a wild night in the bareback and bronc riding) The rodeo did not go like Kyle would have wanted it to, but I guess that is rodeo. Lincoln's rodeo for Kyle is ether hit or miss. It seems that he usually does really well in all 3 events or things go the other direction in all 3 events.
Aubree at the trailer before the rodeo started.

Jenae helping Grandpa get Comet ready for the rodeo.

Jenae riding next to Grandpa while she was warming up Comet for Kyle.

Jenae & Aubree stopping to chat with Grandpa Chip.

Aubree riding with Kyle before the rodeo started. She was happy to chat with Nick while they were riding next to each other.

Jenae & Aubree in front of the State Capital. Jenae is so obsessed with seeing the Capital when we go to Lincoln. It is just a couple of blocks away from the rodeo, but it was a really cold walk.
Jenae, Brooke & Aubree hanging out in the hospitality room.

Ben & Hope at the Rodeo

Aubree & Brooke sat really well and watched the rodeo.

Aubree eating her jelly beans taking in the rodeo.

Maybe it was bad that I took this picture, but I thought it was neat to see how many people came to a bareback riders rescue when he was hung up. He walked away with no injuries. Pretty amazing!

Last night we went over to Chip & Marilyn's house for supper to help Marilyn celebrate her birthday.
Marilyn with her grand kids.

Jenae & Aubree helping Marilyn open her gifts.

Trey having fun!

It wouldn't be a birthday party with out a good ol' game of Snorta. Nick even got in on the game.

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