It has been busy around our house. Kyle and Nick have been home all week. While it is nice to have them around, it is so much more work :-) My evenings are filled up with cooking, dishes and cleaning up the house. They have been going to Wakefield's to practice in the afternoons and have not been getting home until supper time. We really have not seen much of them but they always seem to want to eat when they get home! It feels like my evenings are such a blur. My mornings this week have been a piece of cake! I love being able to get up and get myself ready and walk out the door. Kyle is really good about getting the girls up and going in the mornings. Aubree is a much happier camper getting to lounge around the house in the mornings.
Yesterday I did take a break from the kitchen when Jenae got home from school to take the girls sledding. We had a lot of fun. Jenae did do one thing that made me little mad. I bought her a new warm pair of gloves. They were not a cheep pair of gloves, but as cold as the winter has been I wanted to make sure she had a really warm pair to have for recess or if the bus would break down. I told her that it was really important to keep track of them and she has done really well up to this point of not mis placing them. Well we were in the barn yesterday playing with the cats and her gloves got dirty. Instead of just telling me about it she buried one of them in the snow and then could not remember where she put it. It took us quite awhile but we eventually stumbled upon it. I know in the big scheme of life it is to really a big deal, but at the time I was a little frustrated! Oh well!!!
Mister Rooster is getting along really well at his new home. I am so glad that he is no longer part of the Whitaker Ranch. This is a picture of him with Riley his new owner!!! Riley gets along really well with him and loves to carry him around!

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