It was a fun night and Jenae had a nice turn out of support. Chip, Marilyn & Hope were all there and my Mom also came up for the night. They were all pretty proud of Jenae as well.
The rest of the weekend I spent getting things ready for this week and Christmas. I am feeling pretty good about where I am at on things. Kyle finished up our Christmas letter last night so it went in the mail today. My presents are all wrapped and under the tree. My baking is done and 14 cookie trays are put together. Kyle is my cookie tray delivery boy and will be busy delivering cookies to some of our friends and neighbors in the area. Every year he thinks of more people we should take cookies too, if we keep adding to the list I may have to start taking off the month of December just to bake :-)
Our little house is full of Christmas joy! We have so much to be thankful for and are very excited about the upcoming week!!!
My little elf!

Chip & Marilyn with Jenae before the program

My Mom with Jenae before the program

Jenae in her class room before the program.

Jenae & Aubree

Some of the elves singing.

The theme of the program was that there was an earth quake in the North Pole & Santa was trapped with the elves. This is a picture of the kids during the earth quake.

Aubree watching the program.

Tired Aubree about 1/2 way through the program. She was such a good little girl and watched much of the program even though she was so tired!!!

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