
Friday, December 3, 2010

Round 1

Round 1 of the NFR is in the books. Nick made a good solid run. Kyle did a great job hazing the steer. The girls & I are excited to watch tonight!!!

My blog has been the hot spot for finding the TV schedule for the NFR. I put it on for my friends & family to have a quick way to look up the times & channels for the rodeo. It looks like A LOT of people have been googling "nfr televised schedule" & apparently my blog is one of the top choices. I have had over 400 visitors on my blog today alone!!

I am so glad week 1 of Kyle being gone is over! He is gone so much though out the year, but I am not used to him being gone in December. Last night was a trying night at our house. It all started with Buster jumping out of his kennel. He seems to be really attracted to Lucy right now and we need to keep the apart since we do not want to have another liter of puppies until summer. Jenae told me that she had gotten in trouble in school for not listening to her teacher & Aubree.... well she is really missing her Daddy & she was very tired last night so she was right down naughty!!!! So she got to go to bed really early last night. I have high hopes of tonight going much better!!!

We have a busy weekend ahead. Tomorrow morning is the town Christmas in Chambers and then we have the Noble Christmas at noon in Albion. I am looking forward to it, but with the loss of my Grandpa I know it is going to be really hard. I can picture him sitting there like all the years before & it is going to be so different without him. Jenae & Aubree are really excited, my Aunt Jean has a special connections to Santa & I hear he is going to make a special stop in Albion tomorrow to see if all the little boys & girls have been good!!!

I have lots to do around the house before I head off to VEGAS!!!!!

I hope you all have a great weekend!!!


  1. Have fun at Vegas! When do you leave? Don't worry about Jenae, it seems that December is a tough month for the younger ones to sit still and listen to the teacher. I witnessed a lot of that my school yesterday, too :)

  2. Halie - we're really enjoying watching the NRF and seeing a familiar face! Tell Kyle he has a big fan! My son, Blake, thinks that he's the actual steer wrestler and gets really excited to cheer on "Kyle Whitakerd" and "Trevor Gazillion". Have a great week out there!!!
