Kyle if finally home!!! After being in Vegas almost 2 weeks we are so glad to have him home :-) When they got home Nick went in to see Aubree before heading home to Wisconsin. He asked if she was excited for Santa to come and she said "yes, Santa is going to bring us a real baby!!! Maybe he will bring Erin one too!!! (Nick's girlfriend) I hope that she is not too disappointed not to find a live baby under the tree Christmas morning!!! Santa would really have to do some magic to make that happen!!!
One of our weekend activities was playing house. Aubree wanted to be the mom & Jenae & I were her kids. I asked if I could take a nap and she happily said yes. I actually fell asleep 15 minutes while playing house :-) One time I saw Aubree rocking one of her dolls and she told me she just had a baby. I asked what its name was and she said "her name is Jesus." I tried to explain that Jesus was a boy not a girl, but her baby had pink on so he it couldn't be a boy.We have been talking a lot about the meaning of Christmas. It doesn't sound like she completely has it figured out yet!!! We will keep working on it!

Aubree told me that Buster was so cold he was shaking. This is her attempt to warm him up!

Jenae making a snow angel.

Aubree making a snow angel.

Jenae was bound and determined that we needed to make and decorate sugar cookies. She did a good job helping. Aubree really had fun too!

While I was in Vegas, my sister, Lacey & her little boy Riley stayed with the girls a couple of days. I still had the high chair out from when they were staying and Aubree thought she would like to sit it in to eat dinner. She can be so silly!!!

Jenae & the tree.

Jenae & Aubree love to play with their stuffed horses. The love to get them dressed up in their clothes.

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