Even though the title of my post is "Kyle is home!!" You will not see any pictures of him in this post. Yes, I am behind in my blogging again! These pictures are from this past weekend & Kyle did not get home until Tuesday morning. I can't even put in to words how nice it is to have Kyle home. He had been rodeoing up in the northwest for the past 3 weeks. He flew into Denver & Chip hauled the horsed out to him, picked him up & went on to Pueblo. Thank goodness for Chip!!! He has made several trips this year hauling horses to Kyle & often times taking the girls with him so they can see Kyle. Kyle's time in the Northwest was a very frustrating trip. He didn't draw the steers he needed to to make good runs. Pueblo finally went well! He was 4.9 on his first steer & 3.5 on his 2nd. He won the 2nd round & split 3/4th in the average. It was a good note to home home on! It is so comforting to have Kyle around. Whitney really wants nothing to to with me if she has the option of being with her Daddy! It will not be long & he will be back on the road again, so we are going to enjoy the few days we have as a family.
Friday was Kyle's birthday. Kyle was on the west coast, but we celebrated without him! Marilyn had us all over for supper & fixed a prime rib. The kids had a great time with Cinnamon. He is such a good ol' pony! So calm & gentle.
We had a really busy day on Saturday. I stayed up until mid-night
Friday night trying to get all my house work done after my kids went to bed so I could just enjoy them on
Saturday. We did some house work, mixed up some cookies & spent most of the morning close to home. After we ate some dinner we loaded up & went over to Chip & Marilyn's so I could run the chute while Chip scored some steers on Rambo. Trying to keep Rambo in shape to get back on the rodeo trail. Kyle has been hauling with other guys this summer & they did not have room for Rambo. Kyle feels like he bulldogs much better on his own horse & we are down to crunch time for 2012 rodeo season. Jenae scored on the hazing side on Spud. Wonder how long until Kyle & Chip get her trained to haze :-) The girls played with puppies a little bit then we went to visit my co-worker, Natalie, at her brother's gravel pit. They camp there a lot & it is only 7 or 8 miles from our house. We had a great time walking in the sand & playing with all the clam shells. From there we made our way over to visit the Blackmores. It is so nice to have Hope & her family live near by so we can pop in to see them easier than before. After our afternoon of visiting were all pretty wore out! We made some homemade pizza for supper, rented a movie & called it a night!
Sunday I got up & took the girls to Sunday School. Whitney fell asleep right before Church so we ended up skipping Church. Our only real project we did Sunday was cut out, bake & decorate our cookies we mixed up the day before. Not a real fun project to do with a crabby baby! Whitney is in major teething mode & was Miss Fussy Pants on Sunday!
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